Just a Few Fucks that A Black Woman Shouldn't Give.... #TING

 There comes a point in your life when you realize you have a few fucks not to give.  You give "no fucks" about what "THEY" say. You give no fucks about what "THEY" do. Who gives a fuck about the opinion of one who does nothing for you? Exactly, no one. Be it your family or your co-worker; their looks and opinions should not matter to you.

Now, I am not saying live an "I don't give a fuck life," but don't measure your life by the opinions of other human beings.

Another Fuck not to give is what the hell your EX is doing. What he/she is up to. If you were meant to be together... You would. So who gives a fuck if they posting about their best life on whatever post. You aren't suppose to be looking into their life anyway... Right (insert side-eye).

We spend too much time consumed with other folk that we forget about our own life. Stop giving life to people that have made an exit for whatever reason out of our life.

Give no fucks except what pertains to you and your life.

This is short and to the point but you get my drift.... Be about you and yours. Give no FUCKS about the next persons business.


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