The Love Hate Affair: The Scandal Slander

So last night was the return of Scandal... I have to admit I am a fan... Yes I am... It is my weekly fix since I am on a "Diet".... <<--- I will blog about that "diet" a few months from now... Ya'll ain't ready.. LMAO... But anywho... I said I wasn't going to tweet or FB... or anything on Thursday's while Scandal has my attention... It is just that good.. But last nights season 3 premiere... Babyyyy, I had to give it to Ms. Shonda Rimes and who Miss Olivia Pope Slayyyyyedddd all across the screen...

Let me be clear, before going any further... I am not in favor of cheating in any form or fashion (PERIOD)... I detest it... It is NOT MY THING... I have been cheated on, and I had to recuperate (literally) from that shit... But I am a Human and very realistic about life and feelings... Cheating taught me a lot of things I didn't know about myself.... So now that that is out there...LET me Proceed with my OPINIONS!!

*Side Wife/ Side Girlfriend

To really be honest with Self, you have to look at self and admit what it is you feel and see!
Take Olivia Pope... Last night in the "kill file" her family was brought up and things revealed...Her unspoken of father, who wasn't in any pictures, and made up life, unknown to the Government, who indeed is suppose to know all, has missed a major piece of the Pope puzzle. Thusly (<--- Surely not a word, but it sounded so nicely her in this sentence) Pope isn't her real name, but is so befitting of a woman of her statue! You think! I do... But this father, whom her mother obviously had a secret and tumultuously relationship with has groomed and shaped her into the woman that she is, unintentionally. See, deep down, if we truly look at ourselves, we do similarly become our parents if we don't watch it. Again, that is a good thing, if your parents are those good role models, but if not, Welp you better grab a TMcC book or Oprah, and find your true essence to apply to what is left of your life... Hello SOMEBODY...

Back to Olivia... who is the makings of a privileged, successful, beautiful woman, yet has fallen into the category of Side chick. Now this category is reserved for those individuals that knowingly involve themselves with a person involved with a Serious someone, whether it be a dating situation or married. In Olivia's case, she is involved with the President of the United States of America. Now, many of my FB friends all scream #TeamWife #TeamMELLIE and I am all for #TeamWIFE... But in this Scandalicious Affair... I am all for being Happy... and NOPE... MR. PRESIDENT FRITZGERALD is NOT HAPPY with FIRST LADY MELLIE... and No, he shouldn't be cheating... But he should man up and take his cheating behind on... Because lets be even more real here, he's cheated with more than Olivia (Umm, season 2--the intern who was pulled out of the river-- oh Okay)

But look deeply into Fritz, he's not my president (lol) and Mellie. Who is really on the side here? Yep, Mellie... Why? Well, she and Fritz dance for the public eye, and are only seen in front of the camera when he needs her to be. Behind the scenes, she's constantly being disrespected and reminded of how much he truly hates her, and when he does decides to fulfill his sexual needs, he thrusts her forcefully to get a feeling of satisfaction as if she were Olivia. Not to mention, last night episode showed just how much of a SIDEWIFE Mellie was... 1) He gave no damns about her feelings 2) He's still willing to go through hell to get Olivia First Lady Status 3) He gave no damns about her feelings...

Like I said, I am not about that Side Chick life, but I am honest and smart enough to know when a man has replaced his respect for you in someone else. I at one point, went from being the Girlfriend to Side Girlfriend... I knew my role, but he had an understudy that he wanted to bring on stage. And yeah, like Mellie and so many others I knew, I fought with our PRIDE, only to loose so much more in the end. I let her have that role. And you can argue and try to debate me if you want and say, "Yeah, but you're no wife"... That is true, but in 2013... dealing with that kind of relationship, it doesn't take a wife to see that kind of foolishness... He may have loved you, but when do you love yourself enough to walk away for your own happiness. Mannnn, I can't wait til next THURSDAY....


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