Communication Rules the Nation... So we say!!

Assumption is the Mother of all fuck ups... ( I heard this from somewhere, so it isn't mine)... But we've all heard that "when you assume, you make an ASS of yourself!" At least that is what my mom has always said to me. And now in my adulthood, I use it and hear it freely. We all claim that communication is any kind of relationship. But if that were so, we'd all be so much better off as humans. Let's face it. The majority of us can't really take any kind of communication unless it is about the next. How many of us actually listen to our partner, or significant other when they suggest that we change a particular behavior? How many of us actually sit down and try to tell our partner or significant other how we do or don't like a particular something in our relationship. Most of us, immediately take offense and begin to purposely do what they have mentioned to be a problem.

I have a teenager. I take a different approach in how I treat and talk to her. Why? Because everything about my childhood didn't work. Now that what did work; oh it's in full force around here. But I have incorporated a way of positive communication. I say positive because, I don't want to raise a mad black woman always throwing out sarcasm and dictations to her future boyfriend or and Future Husband.

As parents if we set the tone of positive communication and behaviors our kids will take that with them. Don't get me wrong, they will take the negative too, but we don't want that. Pay attention how you talk to others in front of them. If you are constantly downing the father of your kids in front of them. Your daughter will grow up demeaning the power and purpose of man. And before long, she'll be that lonely chick wondering why men don't want to be with her in any way. Same for boys, keep telling your sons how they should handle a woman, and watch how they grow to be the lonely old man that's trying to holler at that Pretty Young Thing half his age.

And if you are that adult, that is suffering from lack of man, loss of friends, least likely to get a job promotion, just check the way you communicate with people. IT makes a difference. I was told almost a year ago, by a friend that I needed to check the way I presented my face. I never paid attention at how my face read a total different way from how my personality really is. So in part, I took heed to that and made sure that I had a look of pleasantry upon my face. Even when I am pissed, I put a smile on and get my attitude right, because the people that I am about to encounter had nothing to do with that attitude. I have learned to say what I feel to those without bein ugly. I don't mislead people or include those that I don't want or need to be apart of me. Life is too short to be stuck or unhappy in a rut because we lack basic skills of communication.
 So Get it together before it's too late..... #TING.


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