Plans...Yours, Mines, or HIS...
We often times try to plan our life according to what WE are doing and what WE want. That, I've learned fails everytime. According to my plans...I'd finish college at 22, have this amazing career as a lawyer, 5 bedroom home, 2 white cars (Lexus & Audi) , an amazing prosecuting husband that is on his way to becoming Senator, and have my handsome son... When the dream began to unravel, I did everything possible to force it back together. I conformed to what he wanted. I started to do things that I thought others were doing, because they were getting married, get the American Dream going. I mean, it seemed as if I wasn't doing something right. Luckily, I had a strong mother and Aunt, they gave it to me REAL...and basically said, IF it is for you, it will be for YOU... Everything that was unraveling, I let it. It was not for me. It was not meant for me, plus all that I was holding together, was making me miserable. I have been happy since. Because it truly isn't about OUR plans but HIS plans for US... As I stated in my book, Chapter 6... It is about listening to God's whispers, and knowing and believing in the faith we have that all is to come true. So when things you won't are not going as suppose, that is apart of the Master Plan. Because he holds the blue print to what is to come and go from your life.
That is the only way that you will ever experience happiness. YOU have to allow his Plans to take OVER... So I don't make plans. I don't want yours. It is all about HIS...
That is the only way that you will ever experience happiness. YOU have to allow his Plans to take OVER... So I don't make plans. I don't want yours. It is all about HIS...
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