Once was SO Gone...But Now I'm SO GOOD...

 "This song right here!! Oh my... but so describes a place I and so many others have found ourselves in (may not have been this serious) but at one point, "We've been 'SO GONE' over someone...

"Silly of me not to just let you go! Constantly arguing & fussing about your cheating & lack of respect. Instead of praying, I'm up pissed & angry! Grab my keys to ride to see if you're there with her! I'm smart enough to know it's wrong, but so in love: I'm convinced it's right. To stuck on myself and all my years invested to walk away the better & stronger person! Instead,I'm weak and must prove a point: I'm a Good Woman."

Yeah, whatever!! Keep convincing yourself that and the other reasons you try to convince yourself to stay in a F' Up situation is worth comprimising who you really are. Just like I had to realize, I am a good woman with or without a man, you will one day too, or as T.I says, "You gone let him ruin you!" In the beginning, my fear was and I think  For most women, who are married for so many years or seriously dating someone, when they head for divorce or break-up, they don't want to face the music of what "Everybody GON' Say."  You keep trying, but you keep getting the same results. All signs that you should let it go, but again, you so GONE over them, you don't even know the YOU that is in front of you! Then I battled with the point that I am going to be ALONE, I have kid, I am 28..blah, blah, blah...<-- yeah, I said that ISH there...lol.. I got  to the point where I didn't want to be alone, or SINGLE.  It took me almost 3 months to say that I was single and another 3 months to even consider mingling with the opposite sex. YES <<----Tremillia had that problem...LOL... But that is because, I had been in a Serious Relationship for so long and the feelings were still lingering on. But anyway, I Got over that (quickly, I had REAL Friends that put things in perspective) I mean, you can have a PITY Party for a second or two, that's normal when you go through the kind of  breakup  I did, But the people in my corner, were not about to let that happen, and deep down, the WOMAN I AM, wasn't about to give anymore thought to something that really is so INSIGNIFICANT...I mean, heartbreak happens to the best of them... And I am in the BEST of THEM category... So I had my moments, as any other woman out there has, and NOW I'M GOOD..I say that because I dealt with myself, and all my feelings. I have taken the last year and experienced the SINGLE LIFE...  It's not bad.. Even with the Holidays that have come and are coming.. (Thanksgiving 2011 --Was the BESTEST.com) Seriously though, It has given me time to really see what I want. Not just in my HUSBAND TO BE...but in life: as a MOM, as a FRIEND, as a FAMILY member, as CAREER woman, and soon as a BUSINESS woman. Life will always throw things at you, but through all of this, I have learned it is how you Catch it... Love is exciting and everyone wants it. Give LOVE...and if they don't give it back, it's okay, just know that you did your best and that you have to leave!


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