Speaking Encouragement to SELF...
*You are capable of it ALL. Believe it...Achieve it!!! Life is Good...Apply self. Focus on the Possible. You can do it. Doing the neccessary! Doing the Right! Letting NO ONE stand in the way. My future is on the way!! I'm not weak or foolish how he {the EX} tried to portray me. I have forgiven because its the right thing to do. I'm moving on from all Past thoughts. Excepting my Role & Responsibiltites. I've been childish in a lot of Aspects (next blog). But I'm leaving that behind. I have to deal with the present to better the future. Doing what it Extremely needed is the BEST THING. I am dealing with alot; but it is no more than God has for me to bear.
*Looking for stability, and it was in me ALL ALONG...Looking to self...because GOD provides ALL!!!
--This was written in Dec. '10 (its on my Vision Board)
*Looking for stability, and it was in me ALL ALONG...Looking to self...because GOD provides ALL!!!
--This was written in Dec. '10 (its on my Vision Board)
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