I want it ALL...really!!

I encounter quite a few saying they want it ALL... but do you know what "wanting it ALL" requires? ALOT... I am one of those that want it ALL... but sometimes I get overwhelmed trying to get it all. Getting it all requires that you become relentless and ambitious, and putting that pride in the trash. Until then, there is no getting it ALL. I am working on that relentless and Putting PRIDE in the trash. I have a daily struggle with HUMBLENESS. But this MONTH, I must say, I have been broken. Even as I type the tears roll, because I have never had to let anyone in. I hated as a kid to be made to feel weak, so that is why I became so tough. I admit it worked then.. But as I become older, it causes sleepless nights and many tears.

I want it ALL, literally!! I want the great relationship with GOD, the home/family life, the career. That's ALL to me. I want a strong family.... my immediate family, and then FAMily in general....the rest of this world's stuff is not important. THINGS come and THINGS go, and yes they are nice to have, but they are not the basis of a WORLD. Some people base their entire life on what they have... If you really knew them, you'd realize they have nothing at all. Once upon a time in my life, I tried to live up to someone else's expectations... and it damn near made me insane, because I wasn't happy on the inside...and that is where it counts, because MEANness was shown on the OUTSIDE. now THIS happines that resenants from me is so UNCONTROLABLE... I have so much love to give because I am DOING ME and that is what draws people to be. That person that was faking it as if life was so great, as so MANY do, they are miserable with the points in their life. So don't let GETTING it ALL make you FAKE and FALSE... in the end, you have to live with the person that you are portraying and if its not adding up, it will break you down, and leave you to deal with YOURSELF... So enjoy YOUR life according to how you can afford it. LIVE your BEST life by being your BEST SELF. Surround yourself with POSITIVE energy and those that are TRUE to LIFE... I am 30 days from 30 and trust me... I am enjoying life without any regrets...and the tears that are rolling down my face are from the fact that happiness feels so good... #WINNING..... *Follow here or Twitter: @Toopretty_Mcc and also on instagram: Toopretty_McC


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