Me Being SINGLE...

Well, I have been fumbling with this Post for a WHILE now... and just the other night (Thursday) I was able to place the period on the end. One of my favorite people to read and gather inspiration is Marilyn Monroe. She has some of the best qoutes (in my opinion). This quote here:

“I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle… but if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best!” Describes the reason that I have been single for OVER A YEAR (WHOOP WHOOP). Some my age, act as being SINGLE is the worst. Let me tell you, in the beginning, I felt embarressed. I felt ashamed, I felt humilated, I felt like the gum on the bottom of a new pair of stillettos. And guess what, that is all very natural. but after a while, I got beyond that... It was PRIDE.. (One of the seven deadly sins that we have to work on)...Hell I am working on DAILY... I had to come to terms with who I was. What I wanted, and then I had to say, that a guy has to be willing to work with me. Not against me. and ME vice versa. In a relationship, we are entitled to be selfish. I mean, I don't intend on sharing my man with another woman, and neither does he intend on sharing me. I can be somewhat impatient when it comes to how we spend our time. It is about US.. Not about he or just I. And I get the right to be insecure if he isn't catering to all my mental needs. Not that insecure that every chic he encounters he is automatically sleeping with.

So being single shed light on issues that I had to reconstruct to make better for my own life. It has been  a tough year and then some. I have had game ran, Luckily for me, I didn't give up the goodies...(Whoop Whoop) but that didn't mean that it still didn't hurt. LIES hurt, even the little ones because you take someone at their word. Because it brought back that same kinda feeling that my EX left lingering from his many lies, but I don't think all men are going to do me that NIGGA.. but I don't want to go through it EVER.

I want what I put out, but I understand, that is not likely if a a guy isn't ready. So I'm able to chill but when I since I am ready for more, I will achieve just that. I want LOVE. Real LOVE. The kind of LOVE that you know from the touch. The kind of LOVE that makes you smile for the inside. The kind of LOVE that has the tears swell in your eyes and its a feeiling that you know will never go away. I don't rush this place that I am in (SINGLE) because I like the fact that I am able to grow into the Beautiful woman that I am. It just took the hardest thing to happen to me for me to see my FULL POTENTIAL. Through this I have rekindled relationships with my closest friends and have discovered some GREAT new ones. Life has a way of showing us our strength. And in the words of Whitney Houston: "I didn't know my OWN strength..." but through this SINGLE journey I have found it. In 3 months I will turn 30. I have to admit I am so Ready for what 30 is going to do for me. I am So happy about life and where I am and even where I am going. So "ME being SINGLE" turned out to be a great thing. I AM where I am suppose to be and HAPPY... Embrace LIFE and ALL that it throws.. Even the bad... yes, bad has happend, but it doesn't out weight the good that I have!!! LOVE, LAUGH, LEARN (cry), then LOVE MORE...


  1. Great post!! I traveled this same road some time back. I was to insecure with me to be alone, so I continued to take up with any individual that was interested. But that began to get old, because it seemed as if none of them had that ambition that matched my own. None of them wanted more than what they had at hand. I decided to stop seeking for me in men and find me in ME!! I concentrated on building me and with God's help, I figured out who I was and what I wanted. The moment I looked to God and decided I was happy single, He sent someone that was totally compatible, hardworking, goal-oriented, and loving, OH SO LOVING!! Yours is out there and you are on the right path to find him. Keep doing what you are doing, because it is a GREAT example for other young women. Though many may not admit it, you got it together and if they stop hating, they may learn something!!

  2. Sorry it has taken me a minute to respond.. Thanks so much for your insight. Thanks for the added inspiration (some1 is out there for me and that I am an example for young women) I really try!!


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