Do more than Survive...LIVE!!
Going through the many trials I have, one thing for sure has always stayed true! LIVE! This came about a few months. I had been dealing with many things, loss of job, loss of a 10 year relationship, rejection from book company after book company, no bookings, eviction letter, lights being disconnected...I mean you name it, it was happening...I got a phone call, the person was my aunt and she was checking on me. She says, "How are you doing?" I said, "surviving!"... She said, "you have to do more than survive; you need to be living!" At that moment, I looked back over my life, and how I had been surviving...You know, doing the necessary to get to the next day. I couldn't say what real enjoyement I had going on in my life because I was living for the "approval of some1 else". Yes, T McCC was hoping for the approval of some1 else, "Does the job suit "us", is this going to go well with "us"... I want to go to the Beach..Can "we"... ETC, ETC... and if it wasn't about us, it was pushed away! Not knowing at the time, that person was "LIVING"... and I was just surviving...When we do things such as that, we find ourselves behind. We truly aren't as happy as we should, We aren't within an environment that is supportive of us. Find the need to LIVE... if not you will constantly be in "surviving" mode, and if you are there, you aren't experiencing the world and life in which you are blessed with... When I left "survive Mode"...Life got sweeter... So today...begin to LIVE if you aren't already!! Be Ambitious, Be TooPretty!! (follow on twitter for original quotes & REAL TALK...@tooprettymcc and definitely follow this blog....
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